How to Have Peace During the Holidays

We are officially in time for the holidays and I want you to be ready as you go into these events. giphy Knowing how to have peace during the holidays can be a difficult task at times because nobody wants to hurt anyone’s feelings. It’s one of those things that can make you feel uncomfortable at times as well.   However, it’s extremely important to maintain your boundaries because you owe it to yourself. You have come so far in your journey and you know how important it is to put yourself first. There are things that you are no longer willing to accept and that’s what you’ve got to remember during this holiday season.   Old habits and old behaviors no longer work for you and that’s the part that may be hard for other people to understand. Your feelings matter, you matter and your voice matters so,  sticking to your boundaries is a form of self-care. Here are a few tips on how to have peace during the holidays: Blog Post Blog Banner  

1) Choose Yourself First

Never forget that you matter. Check-in with how you feel? When you don’t know how you’re feeling it’s hard to take care of yourself for it. I have the perfect 90 day feel to heal journal if you are ready to take the next steps with this. Whether you have a big or a small family, you are an important piece of the puzzle. Your boundaries are really about protecting your peace. I know some people get the selfish vs. self-care act mixed up so let me set it straight here. Selfish is when you have a desire to take from the people around you. Self Care is when you are recharging, restoring, and replenishing yourself. Self Care is a necessity, not a luxury for you to fully show up for other people. You should never feel like you have to put yourself last because that doesn’t replenish you but depletes your energy when you do this. giphy You deserve to be treated with respect and your boundaries deserve that same respect as well. There may be some members in your family who try to disregard your boundaries, however, it takes two to argue. If you set your boundaries and they don’t respond how you would like remember this has nothing to do with you. You get to decide how you want to interact afterward,  whether it’s walking away or possibly cutting your time short at the event. Being clear about what you want and need takes courage but nobody will know if you don’t say what it is. Don’t get me wrong, it may frustrate you if they don’t respond how you want them to, but you do not have to entertain it. Also, be sure to remember that there is no need to argue when it comes to what you need. Saying it will give you peace in being able to own how you feel rather than walk on eggshells around others. You do not have to prove your point or yourself to anyone and if it’s better for you to walk away or leave, know that there is nothing wrong with that. Choose yourself first because your feelings are important.  

2) Stop People Pleasing (Knowing How/When to Say “no”)

It’s ok to say “no”.  Oh and I want you to know that people-pleasing is only you trying to control how others perceive you. There is nothing wrong with being able to say no if it doesn’t work for you and sticking by it. Remember you teach people how to treat you with what you tolerate. You don’t have to be okay with things that make you feel uncomfortable and you are not obligated to please everyone. giphy Don’t want to do something? You don’t have to. Conversations going on around you that you don’t want to participate in? Walk away. Certain family members, who you would rather not be around because of their negative energy? Say “no” to their presence or simply ” not right now” or “I can’t today.” Do whatever needs to be done to keep the peace within. Remember, your boundaries should be recognized and taken into consideration.   I want to hear below what are other ways that you say no?  

3) Pick Your Own Traditions

If you know family feels more like chaos than peaceful then choose to participate in your own traditions this year. Picking new things to call your own will definitely give you new memories to cherish forever. It’ll also help you to gain a new perspective because you’ll be able to attach those new traditions to happier memories. If old traditions don’t sit well with you, or they trigger you in any way, opting out is always an option. Being around family doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to do what they choose to do. Make sure that you do what’s right for you because it’s all about maintaining your boundaries. You have to protect your peace and always remember, peace is thicker than blood. Your boundaries are valid and they shouldn’t be ignored during the holidays, or anytime for that matter. You have every right to protect yourself from anything that does not promote positivity in your life. I know you are capable of making the best out of any situation. You’ve come so far in your journey and you have the power to maintain your boundaries this holiday season.